About Us
Mangistau ACV Solutions is part of the CMI Offshore Group.
As a group, the company provides marine solutions and services for the oil and gas industry, with specific focus on niche markets.
Since its establishment in 2006, CMI Offshore built up a significant fleet and currently owns a fleet of 17 vessels, all operated to the highest QHSSE standards; certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 and fully compliant with the ISM/ISPS code.
Mangistau ACV Solutions was set up in 2018 as a specialized entity, focusing on the development, construction and operation of hovercrafts and hoverbarges, drawing on expertise and experience from within the CMI Offshore Group.
The company’s first contract was secured the same year for the provision of design, fabrication and operation of the world’s first self-propelled air cushion barge for an international oil major; class trials commenced in the second half of 2021 as is shown in the video below.
We look forward to further developments.
Project Presentation
Project Presentation
Building the world’s first self-propelled Air Cushion Barge (ACB)
The ACB is scheduled for completion in the first half of 2021 and is being built to the rules of RINA international
classification society. It will be capable of carrying 150 tons of cargo over shallow water, tidal flats, marshes, ice and
tundra at a speed in excess of 6 knots with a ground surface pressure of 1 pound per square inch.
Mangistau ACV Solutions Ltd is a part of the larger CMI Offshore Ltd group of companies.
In this page we set out some initial information of the ACB currently under construction which we trust
will be the first of a family of such units. Plans exist for the construction of a variety of larger capacity units capable
of a variety of operations.
Mangistau ACV Solutions Ltd as the Main Contractor is responsible for the overall project which is designed on a modular basis with all major items being removable for transit and operating on a ‘plug and play’ basis. The core ACB hull was subcontracted to Ferguson Marine Engineering Ltd (FMEL) in Port Glasgow, Scotland with the majority of the remaining equipment being sourced in the United Kingdom. Sadly FMEL became insolvent during the ACB hull construction and was subsequently nationalised by the Scottish Government, and more recently was subject to Covid 19 suspension of activity. This necessitated changes to the construction programme where the ACB Hull was launched once it was watertight and then moved to King George V dock where it was lifted ashore for deconstruction in order to enable all the components to be transferred to the Caspian Sea where hull reassembly and completion of the ACB. The vessel is currently being commissioned.
For further information please contact ACB@cmioffshore.com
Hull and Lift Fans
The ACB measures 55m long by 24m wide incorporating a watertight hull of 46m by 15m with a 2m depth, and an
additional air plenum box surrounding the hull.
The air plenum box is comprised by the side of the hull and a steel extension of the deck, together with the skirt
attached. Lift fans are located at the top of the air plenum box generating an air flow sufficient to pressure the air
plenum box providing lift to the ACB.
Vessel Propulsion
The ACB has been designed with two alternate means of diesel-driven propulsion as follows: Two retractable marine propulsion units for water depth in excess of 5m. The ACB will remain on its lift fans presenting limited drag and enabling fuel efficient operations where appropriate. Three ducted variable-pitch air propulsion fans with each unit having a airflow of 500 cubic metres per second. In conjunction with the air cushion, this enables the ACB to operate over shallow water, ice and swamp/tundra/mud flats.Range and Special Operations
The ACB has been designed to operate with a 400 nautical mile range in temperatures between -40C and +40C. The vessel has also been optimised for Arctic Operations with a speciality over-ice skirt design where appropriate. The ACB can be provided with a full operations team with cold weather experience.ACB Construction – Images and Video

600 Tons of ACB Lifts-off
The ACB completed its first pre-commissioning lift fan tests alongside in Baku on Thursday February 26th . The first picture below shows the ACB prior to starting two of the lift fans.
With both lift fans at 650 rpm and the engines warm the dampers were opened and the ACB started to lift. When it stabilised engine speed was raised in 200rpm stages and the photograph shows that at 1000rpm considerable air is evident as the water is pushed out. This movement diminishes as the ACB rises and at 1600 rpm the vessel had almost reached maximum lift height. At 1800 rpm there is almost no evidence of air loss and the lift is stable with approximately 600 tons of ACB and ballast sitting on air. At no stage was the third lift fan in operation indicating the robust nature of the design.
3D Model Images
- 55m x 24m
- 150 tons cargo carrying capacity
- 400 nautical miles endurance
- Built to IACS Class
- Scalable
- Environmentally and ecologically sensitive due to limited weight and footprint
- Suitable for shallow water, swamps, all terrain and ice
Company Statements
Company Statements
Mission Statement
- We seek to grow our business providing marine and shipping services to customers in the offshore oil service industry and allied sectors. The business will always operate in a safe and environmentally sensitive fashion.
- The achievement of our objectives will entail providing long-term growth and profitable trading for our shareholders whilst expanding and continually upgrading the knowledge base of our organisation and employees, and the asset base of our company. These objectives can only be attained by providing added- value and first-class service to our customers.
- We will always seek to exceed the expectations of our customers and provide vessels and operations at the top levels of industry performance and quality. We will strive to be a market leader in offshore vessel operation in terms of safety and quality of operations.
- To achieve these objectives we will aim to combine innovation with expertise and experience in order to generate appropriate financial returns and long-term capital growth for our shareholders.
- We will respect all local communities, countries and people where we operate and will seek to ensure that skills and training are available to develop each country’s indigenous operations.
Values Statement
- We will be honest and plain-spoken in all our relationships and transactions.
- We will provide a safe and environmentally sound service to all our customers.
- We will provide a safe, rewarding and challenging work environment for all our employees. All employees will be given the opportunity to advance within the company and expand their levels of competence and responsibility.
- We will also strive to create a business where our employees are motivated and enjoy their work as well as being able to contribute to the growth and development of the company.
- We will be respectful and attentive to the values of all our stakeholders including shareholders, customers, employees and the countries where we operate.
- We will treat the environment with respect and seek to improve the assets that we employ in our business.
- We will conduct our business in a way that strengthens relationships, builds trust and respect, whilst creating benefit for all parties.
Safety Management Statement
- Our business is committed to providing all our Customers with Services that consistently exceed their expectations in relation to Quality, Safety, Reliability, Customer Service and Environmental Responsibilities.
- Our Emergency Rescue and Response Vessel business is committed to providing our Customers with the best chance of recovery in the event of any offshore emergency. We will always employ well trained and well-motivated seagoing personnel who are dedicated to the wellbeing of those we support.
- We are totally committed to achieving the highest Management standards with particular emphasis placed upon marine safety, safe working practices, protection of the environment and continuous improvement of the skills of both onshore and sea personnel.
- Our QHSE commitment includes establishing safeguards against all identified risks, evaluating Audit results, analysing the cause of non-conformances and reviewing the effectiveness of corrective actions.
The above is ensured through a combined Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment Management System.
Contact Us
Contact Information
Address: Agiasou 34, Vrilissia 15 235, Athens
Phone: +30 210 8034334
Email: acb@cmioffshore.com
You can also visit: www.cmioffshore.com